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STEM Education is for Everyone

No one should be denied access to advanced courses in fascinating subjects, in STEM and beyond. We use a flipped classroom approach that combines engaging lectures and readings with weekly one-on-one instruction to increase access and equity in STEM education.


Courses that Enlighten and Engage

Engaging Lectures and Readings

We provide our students with advanced lectures and textbooks, completely free of charge, through open-source libraries.

Weekly One-on-one Instruction

Our network of student mentors provides one-on-one instruction to participants each week in the course they're taking. Mentors are selected that demonstrate mastery in their respective courses and have a passion for helping others.

Service-oriented Hackathons

Students apply their newfound skills to the world's most pressing challenges, ranging from climate change to social justice, at hackathons that curate a culture of service and global problem-solving.

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Computer Programming
Image by K. Mitch Hodge

CS02: Algorithms

Learn how computers can efficiently manipulate data to solve complex problems

P03: Ethics

Discover leading theories and learn to build ethical arguments


Neural Networks

CS01: Intro to Comp. Sci.

Explore the principles and ideas behind computer programs

Image by Patrick

P01: Intro to Philosophy

Learn how to build a philosophical argument while discovering ideas and thinkers from Ancient Greece to the 21st century

About AccessSTEM


We were founded in partnership with AccessBooks, an organization that seeks to increase equity in education by providing quality books to public school and community libraries where the majority of students live at or below the poverty line.


AccessBooks and AccessSTEM are united by our shared mission to create a world where every student, regardless of background or SES, has access to a high-quality education in the subjects they are passionate about.


Through a network of dedicated student mentors, we combine the individualised instruction that students need to thrive with the scale and impact enabled by online education. Our students then have the opportunity to make a difference with their newfound knowledge at hackathons and workshops aimed at solving global problems.

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Upcoming Events

CS Workshop Series (1)

The first in a series of workshops that explore fascinating topics in computer science.

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CS Workshop Series (3)

The third in a series of workshops that explore fascinating topics in computer science.

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STEM Research Camp

A four-week-long summer program where students learn how to do STEM research while studying real-world issues.

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AccessHacks Summer 2021

A service-oriented hackathon focused on helping to solve the world's most pressing problems. Details TBA.

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CS Workshop Series (2)

The second in a series of workshops that explore fascinating topics in computer science.

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AccessHacks Fall 2021

A service-oriented hackathon focused on helping to solve the world's most pressing problems. Details TBA.

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